# Module Structure And Features

Fun I/O has a modular structure. Its artifacts are hosted on Maven Central with the common group ID global.namespace.fun-io. The following diagram shows the module structure:

Module Structure

# API Modules

API modules provide powerful abstractions for simple and safe synchronous I/O operations.

# Fun I/O API


This module is a transitive dependency of all other modules, so you don't need to add it directly.

The module fun-io-api provides essential abstractions like Codec, Source, Sink, Store, ArchiveSource, ArchiveSink, ArchiveStore, Filter, Socket et al. All other modules (transitively) depend on this module.

# Fun I/O Scala API


This module is completely optional: You should add it to Scala applications, however.

The module fun-io-scala-api extends the Java API with operators and implicit conversions to improve the development experience in Scala.

# Implementation Modules

Each implementation module provides a single facade class which contains many static factory methods for different implementations of the abstractions provided by the fun-io-api module.

# Fun I/O AWS SDK1

The module fun-io-aws-sdk1 depends on the AWS SDK for Java to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The AWS class is a facade which provides the following ArchiveStore functions:
    • s3 provides read/write access to an AWS S3 bucket or any sub-tree of it.

# Fun I/O AWS SDK2

The module fun-io-aws-sdk2 depends on the AWS SDK for Java 2.0 to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The AWS class is a facade which provides the following ArchiveStore functions:
    • s3 provides read/write access to an AWS S3 bucket or any sub-tree of it.

# Fun I/O BIOS


This is the default implementation module: Most applications have a single dependency on this module. If you are not sure where to find a feature, look here first.

The module fun-io-bios provides basic implementations of the Fun I/O API (BIOS stands for "Basic Input/Output System" - pun intended):

  • The BIOS class is a facade which provides the following Codec functions:
    • serialization serializes/deserializes objects using ObjectOutputStream/ObjectInputStream.
    • xml encodes/decodes objects using XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder.
  • It also provides the following Filter functions:
    • base64 encodes/decodes data using Base64.
    • buffer buffers I/O operations.
    • cipher encrypts/decrypts data using a function which provides initialized javax.security.Cipher objects.
    • deflate compresses/decompresses data using a ZIP deflater/inflater.
    • gzip compresses/decompresses data using the GZIP format.
    • identity is a no-op, forming filters into a Monoid under the operations Filter.andThen and Filter.compose.
    • inflate decompresses/compresses data using a ZIP inflater/deflater.
  • It also provides the following Source functions:
    • resource reads a resource from the class path.
    • stdin reads the standard input.
    • stream reads an arbitrary input stream without ever closing it.
    • url reads the content of a URL.
  • It also provides the following Sink functions:
    • stderr writes to standard error.
    • stdout writes to standard output.
    • stream write to an arbitrary output stream without ever closing it.
  • It also provides the following Store functions:
    • file stores data in a file, based on java.io.File.
    • memory stores data on the heap. This is primarily used for cloning objects or testing.
    • path stores data in a files or any other path, based on java.nio.file.Path.
    • preferences stores data in a preferences node using a given key.
    • systemPreferences stores data in a system preferences nodes representing a given class.
    • userPreferences stores data in a user preferences nodes representing a given class.
  • It also provides the following ArchiveStore functions:
    • directory provides read/write access to a directory as if it were an archive file.
    • jar provides read/write access to JAR files.
    • zip provides read/write access to ZIP files.
  • It also provides the following utility functions:
    • copy is a high performance algorithm for copying data from a Source to a Sink, including Store, or from an ArchiveSource to an ArchiveSink, including ArchiveStore.
    • clone duplicates an object by serializing it to memory and decoding it again.

# Fun I/O Commons Compress


Use this module when processing archive files (JAR, 7zip, TAR, ZIP and derivatives). It provides better performance and more accuracy than the module fun-io-bios.

The module fun-io-commons-compress depends on Apache Commons Compress to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The CommonsCompress class is a facade which provides the following Filter functions:
    • blockLZ4 compresses/decompresses data using the LZ4 block format.
    • bzip2 compresses decompresses data using the BZIP2 format.
    • deflate compresses/decompresses data using a ZIP deflater/inflater.
    • framedLZ4 compresses/decompresses data using the LZ4 frame format.
    • framedSnappy compresses/decompresses data using the Snappy frame format.
    • gzip compresses/decompresses data using the GZIP format.
    • lzma compresses/decompresses data using the LZMA format.
    • lzma2 compresses/decompresses data using the LZMA2 format.
  • It also provides the following ArchiveStore functions:
    • jar provides read/write access to JAR files.
    • sevenz provides copy-only access to 7zip files.
    • tar provides copy-only access to TAR files.
    • zip provides read/write access to ZIP files.

# Fun I/O Jackson

The module fun-io-jackson depends on Jackson Databind to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The Jackson class is a facade which provides the following Codec functions:
    • json marshals/unmarshals objects to/from JSON using Jackson Databind.

# Fun I/O JAXB

The module fun-io-jaxb depends on JAXB to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The JAXB class is a facade which provides the following Codec functions:
    • xml marshals/unmarshals objects to/from XML using the JAXB reference implementation.

# Fun I/O XZ

The module fun-io-xz depends on XZ for Java to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The XZ class is a facade which provides the following Filter functions:
    • lzma compresses/decompresses data using the LZMA format.
    • lzma2 compresses/decompresses data using the LZMA2 format.
    • xz compresses/decompresses data using the XZ format.

# Fun I/O Zstd

The module fun-io-zstd depends on Zstd-jni to provide implementations of the Fun I/O API:

  • The Zstd class is a facade which provides the following Filter functions:
    • zstd compresses/decompresses data using the Zstd format.

# Application Modules

Application modules depend on the API and expect some implementation to be injected for a particular task. Like implementation modules, they provide a single facade class containing static methods to solve their particular task.

# Fun I/O Delta

The module fun-io-delta provides utility functions for diffing and patching archive files or directories:

  • The Delta class is a facade which provides the following utility functions:
    • diff compares two archive files or directories to compute a delta archive file or directory or model.
    • patch patches an archive file or directory with a delta archive file or directory.